Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.
TPS – The Potter's School  »  Current Classes  »  Shoutout Submit

Submit a Shoutout

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Please read the prompts and follow them when you complete this request form. The most common reason a Shoutout is not posted is because the information is incomplete or incorrect.

Tell Us Who You Are

We ask for your login name and first / last names so we can verify you are a current TPS student. The Shoutout will not display this information.

The login username you use for StudyPlace and GP7. If we cannot verify this, we cannot post your shoutout.
If we cannot identify you as a TPS student, we cannot post your shoutout.
If we cannot identify you as a TPS student, we cannot post your shoutout.

Tell Us Your Shoutout

All of the next information will be displayed in the posted Shoutout. This is what your friend(s) will see from you.

Please provide the names or nicknames of who you are shouting out to. Shoutouts must be to named individuals. Shoutouts to groups (e.g., classes) will not be posted.
Please provide your name or nickname — something your friends will recognize — that you want to be displayed in the shoutout. Shoutouts without a recognizable name will not be posted.
Encourage or thank your friend(s), family, or teacher(s) your friend(s) with something nice here. If you leave this blank or mostly empty, your shoutout cannot be posted.
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