Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.
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TPS Campus Guidelines

(Last update October 15, 2023)

These guidelines for use of TPS Campus and associated sites are supplemental to the TPS Conduct Guidelines.

Campus Privileges

Privileges and Restrictions Based on Guidelines
  • Campus is provided free of charge and use is optional. Use of Campus is a privilege, not a right. User rights and freedoms are limited to behaving well within the posted guidelines which are designed, interpreted, and enforced by TPS to provide a safe, secure, family-friendly community characterized by kindness and mutual respect for students ages 10-18 from cultures worldwide.
  • Any access or use of Campus implies consent to the Campus guidelines. Because Campus is a large community of students ages 10-18 from cultures worldwide, the Campus guidelines are most likely more restrictive than any one family’s individual standards of behavior. If you are on Campus, you are under the Campus protections and guidelines.
  • Compliance with the Campus community guidelines must be active, not passive. You are responsible to actively know the guidelines and behave well within them. If you have a question about the guidelines, you may submit the question to TPS Support and wait for response prior to taking any action that may be outside the guidelines. Lack of awareness of, understanding of, or personal agreement with the guidelines is not a basis for failing to proactively behave well within them.
Content Privileges and Restrictions

To maintain a safe, secure, family-friendly community characterized by kindness and mutual respect, TPS reserves the right to selectively or entirely remove user content at any time without additional warnings.

  • The guidelines are your prior and recurring notification, and you receive regular reminders of them.
  • If you have content removed, you should not attempt to re-post it in original form or using a workaround. You may submit a request to TPS Support for explanation of the removal. TPS will provide a short explanation without a defense or proofs. The explanation is not an opportunity for defense or debate concerning the posted guidelines or how they are interpreted by TPS since all Campus activity is at the sole discretion of TPS.
Access Privileges and Restrictions

To maintain a safe, secure, family-friendly community characterized by kindness and mutual respect, TPS reserves the right to deactivate any user’s Campus account at any time without additional warnings.

  • The guidelines are your prior and recurring notification, and you receive regular reminders of them.
  • If your account is deactivated, you may write to TPS Support for explanation. TPS will provide a short explanation without a defense or proofs. The explanation is not an opportunity for defense or debate concerning the posted guidelines or how they are interpreted by TPS since all Campus activity is at the sole discretion of TPS.
  • Your only opportunity to reactivate your account is to submit explanation of how you will use your Campus access to actively participate in, support, and promote a family-friendly community of students ages 10-18 from cultures worldwide. TPS reserves sole right to accept or deny your request based entirely on our assessment of your proposal to actively participate in, support, and promote the Campus community guidelines as designed and interpreted by TPS.

Campus Profile

Your profile includes your avatar, cover banner, bio, activity wall, and the individual data (e.g., Country).


Every user is required to have a distinctive individual, friendly, respectful avatar to represent them visually across all the sites. This must be uploaded at first login and prior to using the sites.

Truthful Self-Expression

All information posted to your profile must be truthful, accurate, and not misleading. It may be stylized and positively expressive.

  • Use of the site requires your real name and your real age, so others know who you are in interactions. No anonymous or imposter use of the site.
  • Other information (e.g., your Country) is optional. We respect your privacy.
  • You are welcome to leave the optional information blank, but you are not welcome to post fake (false) information about yourself or others (not even for fun).
Community Respect

Your profile is an opportunity for individual friendly and respectful self-expression. It may not be used to disrespect or offend others, even in sincerity or truthfulness.

  • Your profile may not be used for activism of any kind, including social, political, or religious toward or against any individual, group, or culture. (Note:  Personal expressions of religious faith are not considered activism.) The forums and Town Hall are provided for lively respectful discussions of social, political, or religious matters of community interest.
  • Your avatar and cover banner may not be used in any way to support, oppose, or otherwise identify yourself with any partisan or activist political or social issue, cause, or group.
  • You bio may post positive statements and facts about yourself. The positive self-identifying statements may include support for or involvement in partisan activities. For example, you may identify your support for a political party or cause (e.g., “Proud to be American” or “Support Israel”). However, you may not expand this positive self-identification to further promotion of a cause.
  • You may not post a “positive” about yourself that disrespects or disregards others, including individuals, groups, institutions, cultures, or faiths. For example, your cause cannot be “Ban liberals” or “Support Nazis”.
  • You may not post negative, disparaging, or disrespectful content (text, images) about any individual, group, race, culture, denomination, or any other person or group, regardless of whether you believe the statements to be true or accurate.
  • You may not post any content TPS considers to be inconsistent with with our mission to provide a safe, secure, family-friendly community for students ages 10-18 from cultures worldwide. Any disagreements over Profile content should be referred to TPS for final resolution.
TPS Support